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Standard New Hire
Step 1 of 4


Hello, As part of your application to work with SlingShot Connections, you will need to fill out the background questionnaire, so that the company can conduct a background check about you. As part of that process, you will need to electronically sign a Disclosure and Authorization form ("Authorization Form") consenting to these checks. This Authorization Form will allow our background agency, Parkin Security Consultants, to verify the information you provide and share its results with SlingShot Connections. The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and we recommend that you double check the information you provide to ensure there is no delay with your employment application. An associate from Advanced Reporting may contact you for additional information during the verification process. Please respond promptly so SlingShot Connections can complete the background verification as quickly as possible so as not to delay the hiring process. As part of your application to work with the Stanford Bookstore the following searches will be performed: - Social Security Name & Address Trace - 7 Year County Level Criminal Records Search for Felony & Misdemeanor Records If you need any assistance while filling out the background questionnaire, you may contact our background agency Advanced Reporting at 888-375-0451 or by e-mail at info@advrep.com. Thank you, SlingShot Connections

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